Our one to one tutor-led interactive online training goes at precisely the pace required by each individual.

Online training courses allow learners to go over the content as often as required so every employee gets the optimum learning experience for them. Plus you can be sure that the information is retained and applied to keep your business safe and compliant.

All this at a fraction of the cost and management time of in-person training, health & safety online training has the added bonus of a minimal loss of productivity because it’s really efficient and flexible.

Please note that listed course prices do not include VAT.

Choose a Course

basic fire safety awareness course e-learning

Basic Fire Safety Awareness

This Basic Fire Safety Awareness course explains in brief why fires occur and what actions you must take to help prevent them starting and the actions you must take when they do. By completing this course you will be making your workplace a safer environment.

Current legislation, The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, applies to all workplaces regardless of the number of employees. It requires employers to provide adequate training in fire awareness for all staff members.  Our online training course aims to help all employees identify and reduce the risk that fire presents in the workplace.

Approved by IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards, CPD & IFE — Duration 60 mins* — £25.00

Fire marshal e-learning course

Fire Marshal E-Learning

After you have completed this Fire Marshal e-learning course you will have the knowledge to carry out the functions of a fire marshal. Please note, this course also contains all of the content in the Basic Fire Safety Awareness and Fire Extinguisher courses.

Fire marshals are employees trained to assist in emergency fire evacuation procedures at businesses and other organisations. They are sometimes called fire wardens. It is a legal obligation that workplaces must have sufficient fire marshals to deal with fire emergencies.

Approved by IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards & CPD — Duration 220 mins* — £35.00

fire extinguisher e-learning course

Fire Extinguisher E-Learning

During this fire extinguisher e-learning course, you will learn how to identify the different types of fire extinguishers that might be installed within your workplace, as well as what situations they might be used in. At the end of the final module, you will be presented with a simulation that will test what you’ve learnt.

Current legislation, The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, applies to all workplaces regardless of the number of employees.  It requires employers to provide adequate training in fire awareness for all staff members.

Approved by IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards & CPD — Duration 25 mins* — £25.00

working at height e-learning course

Working at Height E-Learning

Important: Please note that this Working At Height E-Learning is an awareness course only. If your duties include working at height you will need further practical training. Take a look at our in-person courses here.

This basic Working At Height E-learning Awareness course is  aimed at anyone who undertakes work at height, or who employs people who regularly work at height. It covers what constitutes work at height, the safety issues, and how to assess and reduce some of the risks.

All working at height situations are covered by health and safety legislation. Chief among these is the Work at Height Regulations 2005. These regulations confer employers and employees’ legal duties to assess, control, and minimise risks and hazards from work at height.

Approved by IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards & CPD — Duration 105 mins* — £35.00

working in confined spaces e-learning

Working in Confined Spaces E-Learning

Important: This Working In Confined Spaces e-learning course is an online awareness course only. If your duties include any work in or near a confined space then further practical training is essential. Take a look at our in-person Confined Space courses here.

This Working in Confined Spaces e-learning course gives a basic overview of  the rules, procedures and legislation associated with working in confined spaces. It looks at what constitutes a confined space and also look at the potential hazards, safe operating procedures, and emergency procedures and rescue. This brief e-learning course is aimed at anyone working within the construction industry who requires a basic knowledge of this area

At the end of this online onfined spaces e-learning course you’ll be able to demonstrate your understanding of the control measures to be followed when working in, or near to, confined spaces as detailed in a safe working procedure

Approved by IIRSM — Duration 25 mins* — £35.00

personal protective equipment e-learning course

Personal Protective Equipment

This Person Protective Equipment course will show how wearing PPE plays a crucial role in preventing and reducing fatalities, injuries and diseases at work. It includes details of a wide range of PPE options, examines the legislation and regulations and also covers the role risk assessment plays in the selection and use of personal protective equipment. The course concludes with advice on how to use, fit and wear PPE and its physical and theoretical limitations.

Approved by CPD — Duration 60 mins* — £35.00

asbestos awareness course e-learning

Asbestos Awareness

Industry-approved online learning

Asbestos is probably the most dangerous building material ever used. This asbestos awareness e-learning course is designed for anyone who may come into contact with asbestos in their work. Most commonly, this includes builders, plumbers, electricians, carpenters and other building-related and maintenance trades.

The Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR) apply to employers, employees, self-employed persons and duty holders and cover all work with asbestos-containing materials. Regulation 10 of CAR states that every employer must ensure that adequate information, instruction and training is given to employees who are liable to be exposed to asbestos.

As well as informing candidates about the risks of working with asbestos, this Asbestos Awareness online learning course will deliver content to help them recognise asbestos-containing materials, make them aware of where it was used, and steps they can take to minimise the risks. It will also discuss the legislation that applies to working with asbestos.


Approved by IIRSM, Gatehouse Awards, CPD & IATP — Duration 65 mins — £35.00

mnaual handling awreness e-learning

Manual Handling Awareness

Important: Please note that this is an awareness course only. If your duties include manual handling you will need further practical training.

This Manual Handling Awareness online course outlines exactly what constitutes manual handling. It also covers the regulations and legislation that apply to manual handling tasks. The course covers safe handling techniques and also looks at how to develop good habits in relation to manual handling. It finishes off by introducing some practical solutions and the use of mechanical aids.

This online course looks what is covered in The Manual Handling Operations Regulations which lay out duties for both employees and employers. They give a general requirement that employees must be trained to manually handle correctly, including the use of any equipment their employer provides to handle loads safely.

Approved by IIRSM & CPD — Duration 75 mins* — £35.00

Living Wage Foundation logo. SA Safety is a Living Wage employer
Elcas certified centre
Career Transitition Partnership
SA Safety supports the Armed Forces Covenant
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We have ISO 45001 and ISO 9001. UKAS Isoqar certificate 20124
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SA Safety is a member of the British Safety Industry Federation